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krecotec joined Hyvolution 2023 in Paris

For the first time krecotec joined the Hyvolution in Paris which took place on February 1st and 2nd in Paris, France. As part of a European delegation organized by the H2UB, krecotec had the opportunity to join the trade show as well as the summit and get first hand impressions of the current situation in France and European H2 projects.

Given the importance of green hydrogen to the decarbonization of the energy landscape, it is no wonder that the show was under the high patronage of Mr Emmanuel MACRON, President of the French Republic.

The fair was characterized by a high density of relevant suppliers in the field of hydrogen production and utilization, as well as in the field of electrical supply, in which krecotec is also specialized!

We are already looking forward to future events and followup discussion with the connections we have made during the event!


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